Super User The HCP-803 is a high current potentiostat capable of producing 80 A with a voltage range of ±3 V. It is primarily designed for applications in the fuel cell and supercapacitor areas. It is a combination of a research quality potentiostat and an 80 A booster built into the same chassis. The potentiostat has the same specifications as the VMP3 potentiostat boards (with EIS option) when not connected to the booster portion of the unit. SpecificationsDocuments High current system: ±80 A Voltage range: ±3 V @ ±80 A and ±4 V @ ±40 A EIS capability from 10 μHz to 10 kHz up to 1 MHz without booster Control software: EC-Lab® Disconnectable current booster to use the system as a research grade potentiostat/galvanostat Read more HCP-803 Support HCP-803 Brochure Products Catalog Accessories Catalog Read more