THD, an EIS quality indicator Total Harmonic Distortion quantifies the linearity of the response, Non Stationary Distortion indicates the effect of time-variance and transient regime. Noise to Signal Ratio ensures the signal is large enough compared to the measurement noise. Read more …
WP#1 - studying batteries with EIS New White Paper: WP#1 – Studying batteries with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) How useful can impedance measurements be for people doing research to optimize battery materials ? This white paper gives some answers to that question. Read more …
FlexP 0012 - ultimate power capability The FlexP 0012 is designed for battery/electrolyzer/fuel cell characterizations. The continuous maximum current of +/-200 A for a single unit can be extended up to +/-400 A by connecting two units in parallel. it can also address Redox Flow Battery (RFB) or large single cell. The instrument configuration can be easily changed as needed on-site by the end-user. The instrument does not need to be sent back to the factory to be upgraded thanks to the plug and play capability of the booster modules. Read more …
SECM150 - Scanning electrochemical microscope The new compact and powerful Scanning Electrochemical Microscope – SECM150 was recently introduced by Bio- Logic. It is so compact it could be fitted in the glovebox. It features 10 nm resolution for all axes with the scan speed of 200 μm/s. Read more …